Modeling Artifacts For Remote Learning
Adapting the Museum Through COVID-19

Jaguar Effigy Jar, 13 3/8 x 10 5/8 x 11 7/16"
Ball Game Yoke, 16 x 15"
Black Monkey Mask, 14 1/2 x 6 3/4 x 6"
Han Dynasty Tomb Soldier , 18 11/16 × 5 7/8 × 5 1/8"
Tomb Figurine of a Tricorn Mythical Animal, 7 3/4 x 13"
Llama Head of Effigy Vessel, 8 1/4"
Artifact Consultation
Visible Storage Acquisition
Needs & Applications
Hardware Assistance
Equipment Rentals
Scanning & Modeling
Post-production Retouch
Were-jaguar with Half-mask, 12 x 7 1/2 x 9 1/2"
Modeling Artifacts: virtual learning initiative for The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art
The Herbert F. Johnson Museum's staff and I met concerning virtual learning initiatives for the 2020 Fall semester at Cornell University. The museum's main obstacle was finding a place for its physical collections within the new COVID-19 learning environment. Having experience with various modeling programs and hardware, I suggested exploring whatever means to digitize these physical pieces.
Initially unsure by shifting circumstances, the staff permitted me to use my college's IT hardware to create preliminary scans of in-storage artifacts that would later be refined in post-modeling software. Then, with the models uploaded onto an accessible platform, professors and students could explore pieces from the Han dynasty to the pre-Colombian era.

Occipital Structure Sensor
High-quality IMU + ultra-wide-angle camera = scalable sensing platform.
Reflectance Transformation Imaging
Surface texture mapping through incident light & photography.
Museum archives were useful in adjusting model details

Accessible, adaptable modeling maps for 3D printing, animation, VR, etc.
Models are scalable within virtual reality environments

With 3D printing, fragile museum artifacts can be transformed into objects safe for Kinesthetic learners. Kinesthetic learning is extremely important for younger audiences who have an excellent physical memory and learn through their sense of touch.

3D print next to the original Were-jaguar artifact in The Johnson Museum of Art
UPCOMING: Informative Process Video
Working with in-house videographer David Brown
Going forwards, the museum and I plan on compiling a video walkthrough of the project's process.
The museum's in-house videographer David Brown has already collected the necessary footage that I will be editing later.
The final video will then be used for Johnson Museum promotional work and education.