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Johnson Museum Quarantine Relief Edition

The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art Coloring Book


Edition No. 1. 2020

Supported by the Summer 2020 Nancy Horton Bartels '48 Scholar for Education Internship and Moira Hintsa’s Wellness donations. 


As the museum's Education Intern during the COVID-19 pandemic, I understood that this was the time to re-direct the museum's traditional roles toward student health. Cornell University's Fall 2020 re-opening policies depended upon its students' social distancing and commitment. Though necessary, isolation combined with other anxieties stood to challenge mental health. A coloring book would be a worthwhile production to remedy both these experiences and extend the museum's reach. And with the resurgence of coloring books amongst young adults, the museum's mature and complex collections were appropriate for the circumstances. Moreover, the book's popularity reached a broader audience digitally and in print, thanks to the Student Wellness Fund under Annmarie Ventura's direction. 




Within The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art is an incredible faculty who contributed to this project. Special thanks to the editorial manager Andrea R. Potochniak. Her unwavering enthusiasm and intellect transformed my understanding of editorial work. â€‹


Development and Public Affairs

Andrea R. Potochniak, Editorial Manager

Courtney Campbell, Director of Development


Jessica Levin Martinez, Director

Carol Anne Barsody, Assistant to the Director

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Ellen Avril, Chief Curator & Asian Arts

Nancy E. Green, European and American Art

Andrew C. Weislogel, Earlier European and American Art

Kate Addleman-Frankel, Photography


Andrea Murray, Assistant for School Programs

Elizabeth Saggese, Administrative Assistant for Education

Carol Hockett, School and Family Programs

Annmarie Ventura, Student Engagement



The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art prides itself in being, first and foremost, an institution of education for all.


Therefore, it was essential that, even through the COVID-19 pandemic, the coloring book was accessible to audiences outside of Cornell University's main campus. 
The PDF is available on their official website for print. 

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Original Design, unpublished.


The final iteration with copyright approval is available on the museum website:

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