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Johnson Museum Collections SEAM Handbook
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The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, S.E.A.M Handbook



As the Summer 2020 Education Intern, I was directed to organize the museum's series of videos into a handbook for S.E.A.M members. These students are responsible for educating the Ithaca community through tours and outreach programming. This handbook would give members a summary of significant collections so they could go forth and engage with the public as informed individuals. 

Videos cover many collections, from Nepalese Bodhisattvas and Chinese Tomb Figurines to the Dutch Cabinet of Curiosities.




With access given by Annmarie Ventura, the Coordinator of Student Engagement, I transcribed over 20 videos covering special collections.



Each transcript required verification of content, location of media reference numbers, and citations. 



Reference numbers were used to locate original image files for print.


In the process, archives and I realized many ref# had missing links or incorrect matches. This helped the department re-organize their content. 



Polished transcripts, images, and citations are being formatted within Adobe In-Design. 


The final document will be  available online for SEAM members.


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Development and Public Affairs

Andrea R. Potochniak, Editorial Manager

Courtney Campbell, Director of Development


Ellen Avril, Chief Curator & Asian Arts

Nancy E. Green, European and American Art

Andrew C. Weislogel, Earlier European and American Art

Kate Addleman-Frankel, Photography


Andrea Murray, Assistant for School Programs

Elizabeth Saggese, Administrative Assistant for Education

Carol Hockett, School and Family Programs

Annmarie Ventura, Student Engagement

Original Design, unpublished.


The final iteration is yet to be completed as the work undergoes formatting

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