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Bridges Cornell Heights
Lesson Plan



Tenzin Norbu Gurung's Crossing the Pass, Bringing Home Salt. 2020


Committed to reaching all of her audiences in the face of COVID-19 limitations, Carol Hockett, Coordinator of School and Family Programs at the Herbert. F. Johnson Museum of Art recruited me to help the community's seniors. The goal was to organize a lesson plan for residents at the Bridges Cornell Heights assisted living center. Tenzin Norbu Gurung's work Crossing the Pass, Bringing Home Salt was Hockett's chosen subject. In communication with the center's Activities Program Coordinator Beth Farr, I completed the animation, slides, script, and coloring page above. 


Tenzin Norbu Gurung

Nepali, born 1971


Crossing the Pass, Bringing Home the Salt, 2002

Opaque watercolors on cotton

28 x 40 in. (71.1 x 101.6 cm)


Acquired through the George and Mary Rockwell Fund. 2002.001


Black and white illustration for animation and outreach completed by Sabrina Haertig Gonzalez 

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